Rule of law cases – Romania

romanian cases on the rule of law at the cjeu

Dashboard Rule of Law Cases - Romania - CJEU

Case NumberNameDate of JudgementECLI:EU:C:Summary
Joined Cases C‑83/19, C‑127/19; C‑195/19, Case C-291/19 & Case C-355/19Asociaţia Forumul Judecătorilor Din România08/05/20212021:393
judicial reform, Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM)

Romanian reforms in the areas of judicial organisation, the disciplinary regime applicable to judges, financial State liability and the personal liability of judges as a result of judicial error, Interim appointment of Romanian Chief Judicial Inspector and establishment of specific prosecution section for members of the judiciary, the cases concern the legal effect of decisions and reports based on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (MCV) established by Commission Decision 2006/928 which assesses the progress of Bulgaria and Romania with regard to the rule of law situation

C-357/19Euro Box Promotion and Others21/12/20212021:1034
Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification (CVM)

Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification (CVM), Art. 19 TEU, Art. 47 CFR

C-379/19DNA- Serviciul Teritorial Oradea -2021:174
Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM)

Art. 2 and 19 TEU, Art. 47 CFR, Commission Decision 2006/928/EC (Cooperation and Verification Mechanism); the intervention of the Constitutional Court (a political/judicial body which is not part of the judiciary or the legislature) might restrict the constitutional jurisdiction of the courts - which prevents national courts from exercising its jurisdictional role, the referring court asks the CJEU if this is a breach of the obligations of Romania following its accessioin to the EU as regulated in the CVM

C-397/19Statul Român – Ministerul Finanţelor Publice08/05/20212021:393see judgement in Asociaţia Forumul
Judecătorilor Din România
C-547/19Asociaţia “Forumul Judecătorilor din România” --
Constitutional Court, judicial independence

Art. 2 & 29 TEU, Art. 47 CFR; intervention of a constitutional court (a body which is not, under national law, a judicial institution), concerns about interpretation and application of infra-constitutional legislation in the activity of establishing panels hearing cases by constitutional court as it might compromise judicial independence and the rule of law

C-811/19FQ and Others -2021:175
Constitutional Court, judicial independence

Art. 19 TEU, Art. 47 CFR; similar to Joined Cases C‑357/19 and C‑547/19, Euro Box Promotion and Others and aspects of Asociaţia Forumul Judecătorilor din România and Others, position and competences of Constitutional Court of Romania, should Art. 47 CFR interpreted as encompassing the requirement of the specialisation of judicial panels.

C-840/19NC --
Constitutional Court, judicial independence

Art. 2 and 19 TEU, Art. 47 CFR; similar to other cases concerning position and competences of Constitutional Court as it is a body outside of the judiciary but rules on composition of judge panels seized of the case of a chamber of the supreme court

Joined Cases C-859/19, C-926/19, C-929/19FX and Others-2022:878
 Constitutional Court, Judicial independence  

Not precluded is national law that prescribes that the decisions of the national constitutional court are binding on ordinary courts, provided the independence of that constitutional court is guaranteed by national law. Yet, precluded is national law that can trigger disciplinary liability of national judges of ordinary courts when they fail to comply with the decisions of the national constitutional court.


C-926/19BR and Others--
Constitutional Court, judicial independence

Art. 2 TEU, Art. 47 CFR, primacy of EU law; competences of Constitutional Court of Romania (body outside judicial system)

Constitutional Court, judicial independence

Art. 19 TEU, ARt. 47 CFR, Directive 2017/1371 and Directive 2015/849; requirements arising from EU law in respect of the organisational and procedural arrangements within national judiciaries and their relations with national constitutional courts when it comes to the examination of corruption cases

C-216/21Asociaţia “Forumul Judecătorilor din România”-2023:116
Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM)

Art. 2 and 19 TEU, Art. 47 CFR, Commission Decision 2006/928/EC; can the CVM be considered an act by an EU institution and thus subject of interpretation by CJEU; can the principle of judicial independence be interpreted as also applying to procedures for the promotion of judges in office, requirement for infringement of judicial independence concerning promotion to a higher court by a body that carries out both assessments of judges for promotion purposes and the judicial review of judgments delivered by those judges;promotion of judges to executive positions, contrary to CVM recommendations

Constitutional Court, judicial independence

Art. 2 and 19 TEU, Art. 47 CFR; disciplinary procedure and disciplinary penalty of the judge for failing to comply with a decision of the Constitutional Court, primacy of the EU law

C-83/19Asociaţia "Forumul Judecătorilor din România"18/5/20212021:393
Coordination and verification mechanism

coordination and verification mechanism

C-40/21Agenția Națională de Integritate04/05/20232022:873
Proportionality principle

The Court ruled that the principle of proportionality must be understood to mean that it does not preclude national legislation that establishes a measure prohibiting the holding of any elective public office for a predetermined period of three years against a person who has been discovered to have a conflict in holding such an office provided that, in light of all relevant circumstances, the application of that legislation results in the imposition of a penalty.

C-709/21 (discontinued)MK-2022:338
Constitutional Court

Article 2 and 19(1) TEU; Article 47 CFR

C-718/21Krajowa Rada Sądownictwa-2023:150
Retirement age of judges

Article 2 and 19(1) TEU; Article 47 CFR.


 Judicial independence and impartiality  

Preliminary reference procedure on independence and impartiality of courts under EU law. According to AG Collins, EU law precludes national legislation making the Deputy Chief Inspector responsible for overseeing the investigation of complaints against the Chief Inspector.


C-107/23PPU (Lin)24/07/232023:606
Primacy of EU law

Primacy of EU law precludes ordinary national courts from being bound by case law of higher national courts which is contrary to EU law. It also precludes discplinary liability of the judges concerned when they don't follow the precedents.


C-216/21Asociaţia “Forumul Judecătorilor din România”07/09/20232023:628
Procedure for the promotion of judges

EU law does not preclude the promotion of judges to a higher court being based on an assessment, by a board composed of (i) the president and (ii) members of that higher court, of their work and conduct. However, the relevant substantive conditions and procedural rules must be such that they cannot give rise to reasonable doubts as to the independence and the impartiality of the judges concerned, once promoted.

C-53/23Asociaţia Forumul Judecătorilor din România-ECLI:EU:C:2024:104
 Locus standi associations  

The applicants are associations of judges and prosecutors, established to promote an independent, impartial, and effective judicial system. They question whether they can invoke Articles 2 and 19(1) TFEU, read in light of Articles 12 and 47 of the Charter, to demonstrate locus standi to bring a case before a national court to promote these objectives. The Advocate General suggests to the Court that EU law does not preclude a national regulation requiring associations of judges and prosecutors to demonstrate a legitimate private interest, as defined in national law, when challenging actions incompatible with judicial independence and the rule of law.


Romanian cases on the rule of law at the ecthr

This list only contains communicated cases.

Dashboard Rule Of Law Cases - Romania - ECtHR

Case NumberNameDate of JudgementSummary
30745/18Cotora v. Romania07/01/2023
disciplinary proceedings against judge

The term "court" within the meaning of Article 6(1) of the ECHR covers not only courts but also bodies with the competence and task to resolve matters and disputes based on law. The Court concludes that there is no violation of Article 6(1) ECHR.

36889/18 Camelia Bogdan v. Romania20/10/2020
disciplinary proceedings against judge

Violation of Art. 6 ECHR, given impossibility of challenging the automatic suspension of a judge's duties and salary while her appeal against exclusion from the judiciary is being examined

3594/19Kövesi v. Romania05/05/2020
premature termination chief prosecutor Kövesi

premature termination of mandate as chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate, violation of Art. 6 (right to a fair trial) and Art. 10 (right to freedom of expression) ECHR

16915/21Danilet v. Romania
freedom of expression of judges

Art. 10 ECHR; concerns a disciplinary sanction imposed on the applicant who was accused of having damaged the reputation of the office of magistrate in his publications

34088/17Onofraş v. Romania
Impartiality of judges

Art. 6 ECHR meaning of 'impartial tribunal'

45229/18Majeczki v. Romania
Impartiality of judges

Art. 6 ECHR, former prosecutor accused of bribe

46/15, 744/15Nastase v. Romania06/09/2022
  Impartial judiciary and fair trial  

Applicants' complaints about the lack of impartiality of the bench were declared inadmissible by the Court.