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Conference on Media Freedom and Pluralism in EU Law (11 Oct 2022, Brussels)

Introduction The Meijers Committee organized a Conference on Media Freedom and Pluralism in EU law on 11 October 2022 in Brussels, as a response to the brand new proposal for the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and based on our recent report on media pluralism. To generate a discussion, the Conference contained …

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Rule of Law Update

Rule of law update – July 2022

News from the courts No remarkable news from the CJEU and ECtHR. Poland Rule of law report 2022, Country chapter Poland: The report expressed serious concerns regarding the independence of the Polish judiciary (in particular, the perpetuating irregularities in the appointment of judges in Poland, as well as the separation …

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Rule of Law Update

Rule of law update – June 2022

NEWS FROM THE COURTS  CJEU On 28 and 29 June the hearings took place of the joint case relating to the independence of the judiciary and the state of the rule of law in Poland (C-204/21, C-615/20 C-671/20, C-181/21, C-269/21). The AG’s opinions in these cases will be delivered on …

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Inaugural lecture prof. dr. John Morijn (24 June 2022, Groningen)

On Friday 24 June 2022, prof. dr. John Morijn gave his inaugural lecture on the acceptance of the post of endowed professor of Law and politics in international relations at the University of Groningen Faculty of Law. The topic of the lecture was the law and politics of protecting liberal …

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Rule of Law Update

rule of law update- May 2022

NEWS FROM THE COURTS  On 2nd May 2022 the ECtHR published the communicated case Rutkiewicz v. Poland about the suspension of a judge of the Elbląg District Court by decision of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court.  On 28 and 29 June, the Grand Chamber of th CJEU is …

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Rule of law FAQs – Debunking common myths

A number of politicians in Europe, notably from government parties in Poland and Hungary, are challenging established conceptions around the rule of law – the framework guaranteeing accountable governments and equal citizens’ rights. They pretend that the rule of law is a mere buzzword and claim that it is a …

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