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Rule of Law FAQs – Volume 2 (2023)

For over a year now, the Meijers Committee and Democracy Reporting International (DRI) have been helping politicians, journalists, and other actors navigate the tangled web of myths, lies, and half-truths surrounding the rule of law debates in Europe. This is the purpose of our Rule of Law FAQs, a handy …

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Seminar on the Enforcement of the European Media Freedom Act (11 July 2023, online)

Introduction The Meijers Committee and the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) organized on 11 July an online seminar on the enforcement of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). Media pluralism reveals a complex puzzle in the EU’s legal order. While media …

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Rule of Law Update

Rule of Law Update – May 2023

NEWS FROM THE COURTS CASES CJEU C-817/21 – Inspecţia Judiciară ECLI:EU:C:2023:55 11/05/2023 (Romania) In this judgment, the Court of Justice confirmed that, while the organization of justice is a matter for the Member States, the exercise of that power must comply with EU law. As such, the disciplinary regime applicable …

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Our Rule of Law Academy (16-17 March 2023, Brussels)

On 16-17 March 2023, the Our Rule of Law Academy took place in Brussels, a project for-students-by-students. It was a bootcamp for 45 selected bachelor law students from 25 Member States about the question “how to safeguard the rule of law in the EU yourself?”. In the weeks before the …

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Rule of Law Update

Rule of Law Update – January 2023

News from the courts Cases CJEU C-373/22 – NE 08/06/2022 (Bulgaria) Charges were brought against NE in proceedings before the Spetsializiran nakazatelen sad (Specialised Criminal Court; ‘the referring court’). At the preliminary hearing in this case, NE sought the disqualification of the court, since he questions the impartiality of both …

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Rule of Law Update

Rule of law update – October 2022

News from the courts Decisions CJEU C-480/21 (Order of Court, 12 july 2022): Reference for a preliminary ruling – Article 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Judicial cooperation in criminal matters – European arrest warrant – Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA – Article 1(3) – Surrender …

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